Game Development1 5th assignment weeks 15, 16, and 17 ChemAR

15 Apr 2019

Main requirements:

Team start working on project design and implementation using one agile working methodology by dividing individual task in fallowing manner:

Game scene(Taha)

Design wise developers agreed for 4 main scene: a menu scene and three main game scenes

Menu scene presented above containing application name and in game menu with access to main game scenes and exit option.

First game scene is containing application name, one Periodic table of elements and in game menu with access to menu scenes and exit option. The first game scene is accessible from Menu Scene and is presented below

Second game scene is containing application name, list of elements and game menu with access to menu scenes and exit option. Second game scene is presented below

Third game scene is presenting the quiz game with application name, question and reply versions, score and game menu with access to menu scenes and exit option, that is presented below

Scene content and assets(Mihai)

First game scene, presented in figure 2, contain a detailed image with Periodic table of element with all 118 elements and specific detail for each element, like Symbol, Name, Atomic number and Atomic mass. Second game scene contain a list with all elements name and atomic number, and for each element is added an animated 3D model, and a direct connection or active link for extra information about element. We use data from or Wikipedia. Third game scene contain a set of 10 questions related to elements, each question with two clickable reply version All 3D models assets are imported from Unity Asset market as a Science Lab paid asset, that was perfect for our project

Technologies (Gabriel)

For game implementation I have tested Vuforia and AR Core. Initially project supposed to be implemented with AR Core, the only one that have vertical detection, but in the end after analysis of all pros and cons, we settle for Vuforia, which is faster in plane detection and use image marker. The fun part begins from this moment with implementation, where we have a lot of compatibility challenges